Volume Nine: Constantinople’s Final Fall:

Volume Nine: Constantinople’s Final Fall:

1453 – around dawn, on Tuesday, May 29, 1453, Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II and his Turkish irregulars forced open the Kerkoporta
The Turkish army poured into the city, made their way to the top of the Tower, and raised the Turkish Flag.
1453 – after smashing through St Sophia’s great bronze doors, and slaughtering the poor and less attractive church members, the
savage Turks seized the remainder of the congregation, and dragged them into their Turkish camp to await their doom.
1453 – meanwhile, Mehmet II stood outside the old abandoned ‘Palace of the Emperors’ and recited: ‘The Spider weaves the
Curtains in the Palace of the Caesars: The Owl calls the Watches in the Towers of the Afrasiab’…….read more in
Volume Nine.

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