Volume Six: Rome’s recovery of Jerusalem and the Holy Cross:

Volume Six: Rome’s recovery of Jerusalem and the Holy Cross:

610 – Roman Emperor Heraclius (610 – 641) launched a campaign against the encroaching Sassanid Persians.
612 – before he could expel these Persians from the region, they destroyed the Levant and Asia Minor, seized Damascus and
Jerusalem, and carried off the Holy Cross.
616 – Sassanid Persians overran Egypt.
619 – Sassanid Persians occupied Egypt, Jerusalem, Damascus, and the Hellespont.
625 – Avars and Sassanid Persians attacked Constantinople, but were pushed back by Heraclius and the Byzantines.
628 – Roman Emperor Heraclius decisively defeated Sassanid Persian King Chosroes at Ninevah, and recovered Jerusalem
and the Holy Cross…..read more in Volume Six.

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