Volume Two: Babylonian KIngs:

Volume Two: Babylonian KIngs:

Naramsin 2270 – 2233 BC – Babylonia continued to decline during his reign
Hammurabi – 2233 – 21 BC – reunited the Babylonian Kingdom
Samsuiluna – 21 – 21__ BC – Babylon fell into decline under Hammurabi’s grandson Samsuiluna

Much later, during Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses IV’s (1151 – 1145 BC) reign, the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar (1146 – 1123 BC) conquered Egypt, defeated the King of Judah, expelled the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, and forced them to embellish his famous gardens that are among the Seven Wonders of the World….read more in Volume Two.

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