Civilization began in Sumer

5000 BC – Village of Eridu – there existed an important cult center. It served as a place of devotion and pilgrimage to a very
small population. But, over time, such cult centers grew into cities.

4000 BC – some early Sumerians, Caucasian in root, established themselves in a place they called Sumer. In their ancient
society, all power belonged solely to the gods. The Sumerian king headed up the priestly caste, but the gods ruled.
The Sumerian king was nothing more than a vicar. Early pottery-making was done by the Sumerian women. The
later invention of the Potters’ wheel made it a man’s trade.

3500 BC – the city of Uruk had a very large and splendid temple: Its pillars (eight-foot in diameter), constructed of mud-brick
were elaborately decorated. Historians believe Mesopotamian monumental architecture was modeled after this temple.
(In the Bible, this city is called Ereck.)

3500 BC – the Sumerian Pantheon of gods:
Anu – father of the gods
Enlil – Lord Air – established order and everything else.
Enki – god of Wisdom and God of the Sweet Waters – maintained that established order.
Ishtar – goddess of war.

3500 BC – the invention of the potters’ wheel made pottery-making a man’s trade.
3360 BC – Civilization began in Sumer. The Sumerians invented writing, and began history. They also invented glass.

The oldest recipe for beer and the word alcohol come down to us from the Sumerians…….read more in Volume One…

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